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Category: Tanabe

Felix the Fomula 1 Cat

– M. Related Images:


“Kendo” master Scott from import tuner! Related Images:

My Fail Moment…

It seems like I got a flat going to work on Tuesday. I have bad luck with flat tires. The worst flat tire I had was when I was riding my motorcyle going 80+ on the fwy. To make it worst it was a stupid little rock that caused my front tire to loose air. …

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Tanabe 370Z Y-pipe

Now Available Fits: 2009 Nissan 370Z Dyno results with factory exhaust:  http://www.tanabe-usa.com/exhausts/files/347_img2.jpg Related Images:

Bijin-Tokei(Cute girls-Clock)

It’s a clock!

Thursday night… night life?

After a day of work and rushing to a hobby shop… Ended the night with a warm bowl of Pho. Which I hadn’t had for quite a while. PhoSo1 never fails me… Looking forward to a great weekend >=] -Brian Related Images:

Ready for an Engine Swap on My RX7

Rx7, s4, engine swap

A Haiku… #1 : Attack the Burning Autumn Night

Make the sweet car fast The Summer sun sets today But night time burns bright. – M. Related Images:


picture by new camera.  @front of tanabe usa office. Related Images:

Fire and Ash Everywhere

Azusa canyon, Fire, California