Some of us may have heard of something called black ice. Thin layers of ice that you don’t realize is there till it’s too late. You only realize that you’ve hit it when it’s usually too late and you’re rolling sideways off the side of the road. I’ve never seen it personally since we’re in LA so to me, it’s all a myth… sort of a like a unicorn.
Now you see here a Black G37. Being involved in the car show scene, I can tell you that the Infiniti Class is one of the most competitive classes out there. So many quality Infiniti builds are out there so it’s hard to tell one from the next aside from color and wheels. Especially since nowadays, shows are full of hardparkers. They get some wheels and stance their car out and they think they have a show car. You need the full package. Jared’s car isĀ a great example of one car that you stands out.
Jared’s G37 isn’t just a show car with good looks, With a 500hp twin turbo beast under the hood, it performs as good as it looks. I made the reference to black ice because if you try to pull on him, you may not realize the mistake you made till it’s too late and your ego has gone off road in bewilderment. A look under the hood and you’ll see a hint of what pumps the blood through this beast.
Jared is also running a beautiful set of SSR Executor CV01S in Superblack Coat. Keeping things classy and not going with some outrageous color like tiffany blue or some sort of pink. The SBC finish is perfect for a sleek, black beauty like this.
A closer look at the Executor CV01S
Inside you’ll see sublte carbon accents and some doube diamond stitched reclinable buckets covers in black suede.
Big thanks to Jared and Squared Photo for the images! Check out more on their facebook page here!