The Super Low Seat Rails by Nagisa Auto are popular for many motorsport enthusiasts. These rails are compatible to most standard sized aftermarket bucket seats from Bride, Sparco, Recaro, etc., and even some factory seats. The “Super Low” design gives a lower seat position allowing more headroom for taller seats and/or a racing helmet (the LOWEST seat position out of all the competitors’ seat rails). Many of the Nagisa Auto Seat Rails utilize the “Double Locking” mechanism to remove any free play on the rails and sliders. This makes the seat feel planted and secured in the chassis, and won’t budge even during the most extreme turning angles!
Included with the Super Slow Seat Rails are the L-brackets for mounting and the bolts are included as well. An instruction manual with diagram makes the installation a breeze.
Available for many applications!
(Pictured is the seat rail for S2000)
where can i get this awesome railing. I tried the link to see if there is any for my car.. kindly advice if you have for Proton NEO. urgently require a solution. if possible, please email me.
I’ve attached the link to the Nagisa seat rail page. This should help in showing you what vehicles the seat rails are available for. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to call or email us at