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Over the Weekend

Did anybody ever catch that old cartoon show, “Samurai Pizza Cats?” I had this weird/awesome dream over the weekend that I was in a drift event, driving my S14. Then suddenly, it turned into an AW11 MR-2. THEN, suddenly again, it turned into a unicycle. And onlookers were saying, “Damn, that guy in the unicycle is pretty good…” At the end of the event, someone gave me a big bag of stuffed animals that looked like the cats from the above banner, and I was tossing them out to everyone at the event. I know — random — but awesome. I wish to have more dreams like that. 😀

After I woke up, the Creamson S13 showed up — just in time to pick up a new carbon hatch from Signal Auto. I’m surprised… the police are OK with the missing rear window. Go figure –the police are about as predictable as my last ex-girlfriend. Zinggg…

We used the stock hatch to protect my front lawn from those purple flowers from the nearby tree. *shakes fist*

Fast forward to Signal Auto: Here’s the new carbon hatch, fresh in the wrapper 😉

Praise to thee, old mounting hardware — our safety is in your hands!

The new carbon hatch looks mighty fresh!

FRESH I say!

I bid you good day, Signal Auto. Until next time… keep keeping it real! 😀

Fast forward to Sunday — after dooming it up on the local circuit, me and the destruction junction decided to catch the new Star Trek movie at the Puente Hills AMC, a movie which I must say was pretty dang entertaining! At the parking lot, I noticed some chump decided to park his Skyline next to the Ivory White Destruction, the FC of Doom.

I know… one cannot compare; the FC of Doom is a much nicer automobile. But I commend him (or her? :p) for trying. 😀

Fast fast fast forward to Monday — have you ever heard of a place called Oinkster? I mean, if you didn’t feel chunky already, you’ll have the pleasure of knowing that you’re feasting at a place named after pork. I’m not going to lie though, it was damned good! I ordered the BBQ Pulled Pork Sandwich 🙂

Surprisingly, I didn’t feel like death after finishing my meal. The serving size was just enough to make me feel like a glutton, but not fat — just a glutton.

BBQ pulled pork sandwich, fries, and a drink! It’s like a one-two punch straight to diarrhea land!

Last but not least, the finisher, the blasphemous cupcake of humiliation. There was more frosting than cupcake, perfect if you didn’t already feel dizzy from the previous dishes. Why not throw up while you’re on the pooper? Can you say win-win situation? 😀

On a side-note, one of my friends just got back from Japan. Here’s the bus that he rode on the way to Mount Fuji. . . . . HAHAHAHA! 😀 Seriously though, that bus is the king. Don’t mess with the Hamtaro Transport!


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