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Over the Weekend

Check out that kettle of Top Ramen!

Mr. & Ms. dirtbags :p

Paul Wall

Welcome to Yi Ga Ju!

I’ll start off by saying that this place was pretty fun to visit. It’s one of the few Korean “drinking” spots that actually has really really yummy food! The place is called “Yi Ga Ju” (It’s not a Pokemon), and it’s located somewhere in the middle of K-Town Los Angeles.

Dishes for the evening included some fancy top ramen, a really really tastey bowl of Bulgogi over rice, and egg omelet. Prior to this event, I heard from a friend that when you choose a place to go to in Korea town, you either choose a place for drinking or a place for eating, and you can never have both in the same restaurant. HOWEVER, this place proved my friend wrong, since the food was MOST delicious. The drinks were pretty fine as well.

We had the usual Hite beer… but also some really good Grape Wine Soju (it wasn’t wine… but it tasted like it) and also some really not-so-good Plum Wine Soju. Paul wall (my cousin) took care of that one while the rest of us drank the grape one.

Up Stairs, they had karaoke rooms and some other stuff, but we didn’t check it out — maybe next time. Besides, most of the songs in the system are probably (maybe?) Korean, so I wouldn’t be able to follow them anyways.

There was one funny thing I noticed though. I went to the bathroom, and there was this Korean church poster thing on the inside of one of the stalls. I… don’t know if the inside of a stall is the best place for this sort of stuff, but I guess whatever works. “12 Hours Non-Stop…” Usually, “worship” only takes about 15-20 minutes. :p

Overall, this place was awesome. Everyone try and find it! 😀

Bulgogi Rice! (Getting hungry)

Hite + Grape Wine flavor soju

12 Hours Non-Stop Worship Megamix!

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